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The Roco Minitanks Collectors Club
If you collect 1/87 scale Roco Minitanks, then you are in the right place! Roco is an Austrian company which manufactured their Minitanks line of military model kits for over 50 years. The models are nicely detailed and often include movable parts and other accessories to add more details to your model. The Minitanks collection includes vehicles from World War Two to the present. Roco Minitanks in HO (1/87 scale) are perfect for the railroad hobby, military modelling, and wargaming. Whether you have been collecting Roco Minitanks for 50 years or just starting out in the hobby, you will find the Roco Minitanks Collectors Club a great resource to see the hundreds of fantastic kits offered over the years.
If you have a photo of your finished Roco Minitank model kit, send it to us and we will add the photo to the club site. Some of the kits don’t yet have a photo. If you have a photo of any of these Roco Minitanks new out of box, please send us the photo to include on the club site. If there are any kits missing from the list, let us know.