Do you have a scratchbuilt model that you want to copy? Send us your scratchbuilt master model and we will make an RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) rubber mold of your model. We can then make approximately 75-100 copies of the master before the mold begins to deteriorate.

The cost for time and materials to make the molds are quoted on an individual basis. Typical cost would be $175 and up depending on the complexity and size required. Payment for the mold service is required in advance. Contact us for a price estimate.

Individual resin copies would be $8.00 and up (again depending on the complexity and size of the model).

We will not make molds of copyrighted models. It is your responsibility to determine if the master model is copyrighted.


"I have never purchased a resin kit...I had prepared myself to accept...soft detailing and finish...Boy, was I wrong! The castings are absolutely perfect, the detail is crystal clear. Kudos to you...These are works of art!!"

Bill Knight, Canada